Who builds a church to God, and not to Fame, Will never mark the marble with his Name. a. Port.—Moral Essays. Ep. III. L. 285.
Spires whose " silent finger points to heaven." 6. Wordsworth—The Excursion.
Bk. VI. Quoted from Coleridge—
The Friend.
An itch of disputing will prove the scab of churches.
c. Sir Henry Wotton—A Panegyric to
King Charles.
Circles and right lines limit and close all bodies, and the mortal right-lined circle must conclude and shut up all.
d. Sir Thomas Browne—Hydriotaphia.
The eye is the first circle; the horizon which it forms is the second; and throughout nature this primary figure is repeated without end. It is the highest emblem in the cipher of the world.
e. Emerson—Essays. Circles.
As the small pebble stirs the peaceful lake ;
The centre mov'd, a circle straight succeeds.
Another still, and still another spreads.
/. Pope—Essay on Man. Ep. IV.
L. 364
I'm up and down and round about,
Yet all the world can't find me out;
Though hundreds have employed their leisure,
They never yet could find my measure.
g. Swift—On a Circle.
I watch'd the little circles die;
They past into the level flood.
h. Tennyson—The Miller's Daughter.
St. 10.
On the lecture slate
The circle rounded under female hands With flawless demonstration. ». Tennyson— The I*rincess. II. L. 349.
Circles are praised, not that abound In largeness, but the exactly round. j. Edmund Waller—Long and Short Life.
The fortuitous or casual concourse of atoms. k. Richard Bentley—Sermons, VII.
Works, Vol. III., p. 147. 1692. See also Sir Robert Pkel's Address. Quarterly Review. Vol. LIII. p. 270. 1835.
I am the very slave of circumstance And impulse—borne away with every breath! 1. Byron—Sardanapalus. Act IV. Sc. 1.
Men are the sport of circumstances, when . The circumstances seem the sport of men. m. Byron—Don Juan. Canto V. St. 17.
Thus neither the praise nor the blame is our own. n. Cowpeh—Letter to Mr. Newton.
Man is not the creature of circumstances,
Circumstances are the creatures of men.
0. Benj. Disraeli—VivianGrey. Vol.11.
Bk. VI. Ch. 7.
It is circumstances (difficulties) which show what men are. p. Epictetus—Ch. XXIV. Quoted
from Ovid—Trutia. IV. 3. 79. Sc. 1. Long's trans.
To what fortuitous occurrence do we not owe every pleasure and convenience of our lives.
g. Goldsmith— The Vicar of WakefieM.
Ch. XXI. Circumstances alter cases.
r. Haliburton— The Old Judge. Ch. XV.
Thus we see, too, in the world that some persons assimilate only what is ugly and evil from the same moral circumstances which supply good and beautiful results—the fragrance of celestial flowers—to the daily life of others.
1. Nath. Hawthorne—Mosses from an
Old Manse. The Old Manse.
For these attacks do not contribute to make us frail but rather show us to be what we are. t. Thos. X Kempis—Imitation of Christ.
Dibdin's trans. Bk. I. Ch. XVI.
Condition, circumstance is not the thing. «. Pope—Essay on Man. Ep. IV. L. 57.
The happy combination of fortuitous circumstances.
v. Scott—Answer of the Author of Waverly
to the Letter of Captain Clutterbuck.
The Monastery.
Leave frivolous circumstances. w. Taming of the Shrew. ActV. Sc. 1.
L. 27.
My circumstances
Being so near the truth as I will make them, Must first induce you to believe. x. Cymbeline. Act II. Sc. 4. L. 62.
The Lie with Circumstance. y. As You Like It. ActV. Sc. 4. L. 100.
And grasps the skirts of happy chance. And breasts the blows of circumstance. z. Tennyson—InMemoriam. Pt. LXIII.
St. 2.
So runs the round of life from hour to hour. aa. Tennyson—Circumstance.
This fearful concatenation of circumstances. a. Dan'l Webster—Argument. The
Murde.r of Captain Joseph White. 1830. Vol. VI. P. 88.
Circumstances over which I have no control. >. Wellington (Duke of)—Letters.
About 1839 or 1840.
Who does the best that circumstance allows,
Does well, acts nobly, angels could no more.
e. Yockg—Night Thoughts. Night II.
L. 90.
Seven cities vied for Homer'sbirth with emulation pious:
Salamis, Samoa, Calophon, Rhodes, Argos, Athens, Chios,
d. Greek Anthology.
I live not in myself, but I become
Portion of that around me; and to me
High mountains are a feeling, but the ham
Of human cities torture.
e. Byron—ChUde Harold. Canto III.
St. 72.
In the busy haunts of men.
/. Mrs. Hemans— Tale of the Secret
Tribunal. Pt. 1. L. 2.
The axis of the earth sticks out visibly through the centre of each and every town or city.
g. 0. W. Holmes— The Autocrat of the
Breakfast Table. VI.
Far from gay cities, and the ways of men.
A. Hombk—Tft« Odyssey. Bk. 14. L.410.
Pope's trans.
Even cities have their graves!
». Longfellow—Amalfi. St. 6.
Towered cities please us then,
And the busy hum of men.
j. Milton—L'Allegro. L. 117.
The people are the city.
k. Coriolanus. Act III. Sc. 1. L. 200.
The city of dreadful night.
1. James Thomson—Current Literature for 1889. P. 492.
Ancient of days! august Athena! where, Where are thy men of might? thy grand in
soul? Gone—glimmering through the dream of
things that were;
First in the race that led to glory's goal, They won, and pass'd away—Is this the whole? m. Bybon—Childe Harold. Canto II.
St. 2.
Athens, the eye of Greece, mother of arts
And eloquence.
n. Milton—Paradise Regained. Bk. IV.
L. 240.
The sea returning day by day
Restores the world-wide mart.
So let each dweller on the Bay
Fold Boston in his heart
Till these echoes be choked with snows
Or over the town blue ocean flows.
o. Emerson—Boston. St. 20.
Boston State-house is the hub of the solar system. You couldn' t pry that out of a Boston man if you had the tire of all creation straight- ened out for a crow-bar.
p. O. W. Holmes— The Autocrat of the
Breakfast Table. VI.
A solid man of Boston
A comfortable man with dividends,
And the first salmon and the first green peas.
g. Longfellow—New England Tragedies.
John Endicott. Act IV.
How old I am ! I'm eighty years!
I've worked both hard and long,
Yet patient as my life has been,
One dearest sight I have not seen—
It almost seems a wrong;
A dream I had when life was new.
Alas our dreams! they come not true;
I thought to see fair Carcassonne,
That lovely city—Carcassonne!
r. Gcstave Nadadd—Quoted in Marvin
R. Vincent's In the Shadow of the.
Pyrenees. Ch. XVII.
In Koln, a town of monks and bones,
And pavement fang'd with murderous stones,
And rags and hags, and hideous wenches,
I counted two-and-seventy stenches,
All well denned, and several stinks!
Ye nymphs that reign o'er sewers and sinks,
The River Rhine, it is well known,
Doth wash your city of Cologne;
But tell me, nymphs! what power divine
Shall henceforth wash the river Rhine?
s. Coleridge—Cologne.
What land is this? Yon pretty town Is Delft, with all its wares displayed:
The pride, the market-place, the crown And centre of the Potter's trade, *. Longfellow—Keramos. L. 66.
At Dresden on the Elbe, that handsome city, Where straw hats, verses, and cigars are
made. They've built (it well may make us feel
afraid,) A music club and music warehouse pretty.
a. Heine—Book of Songs. Sonnets.
Dresden Poetry.
Ungrateful Florence! Dante sleeps afar, Like Scipio, buried by the upbraiding shore.
b. Byron—Childe Harold.
Canto IV. St. 57.
A mighty mass of brick, and smoke, and shipping,
Dirty and dusty, but as wide as eye Could reach, with here and there a sail just skipping
In sight, then lost amidst the forestry
Of masts; a wilderness of steeples peeping
On tiptoe through their sea-coal canopy; A huge, dun cupola, like a foolscap crown Ona fool'shead—and there is London Town,
c. Bybon—Don Juan. Canto X. St. 82.
London ! the needy villain's general home,
The common sewer of Paris and of Rome!
With eager thirst, by folly or by fate,
Sucks in the dregs of each corrupted state.
d. Sam'L Johnson—London. L. 93.
Naples sitteth by the sea, keystone of an arch
of azure. «. Tupper—Proverbial Philosophy.
Of Death. L. 53.
In the valley of the Pegnitz, where,
Across broad meadow-lands,
Rise the blue Franconian mountains,
Nuremburg, the ancient, stands.
/. Longfellow—Nuremburg.
Oood Americans when they die go to Paris. g. Thos. Appleton—See also 0. W.
Holmes. Autocrat of the Breakfast
Table. VI.
When you've walked up the Rue la Paix at
Been to the Louvre and the Tuileries, And to Versailles, although to go so far is
A thing not quite consistent with your ease, And—but the mass of objects quite a bar is To my describing what the traveller sees. You who have ever been to Paris, know ; And you who have not been to Paris—go! h. Ruskin—A Tour Through France.
St. 12.
Hail! Philadelphia, tho' Quaker thou be.
The birth-day of medical honors to thee
In this country belongs; 'twas thou caught
the flame, That crossing the ocean irom Englishmen
And kindled the fires of Wisdom and Knowledge,
Inspired the student, erected a college,
First held a commencement with suitable
In the year of our Lord, seventeen sixty-eight. ». Wm. Todd Helmuth—The Story of a
City Doctor.
0 Rome! my country ! city of the soul!
j. Byron— Childe Harold. Canto IV.
St. 78.
When falls the Coliseum, Rome shall fall;
And when Rome falls—the World.
*. Bybon— Childe Harold. Canto IV.
St. 145. It was the calm and silent night!
Seven hundred years and fifty-three Had Rome been growing up to might
And now was queen of land and sea. No sound was heard of clashing wars,
Peace brooded o'er the hushed domain; Apollo, Pallas, Jove and Mars,
Held undisturbed their ancient reign. In the solemn midnight,
Centuries ago.
I. Alfred Domett—Chrittmas ffymn.
Rome, Rome, thou art no more
As thou hast been!
On thy seven hills of yore
Thou sat'st a queen.
m. Mbs. Hemans—Roman Girti Song.
See the wild Waste of all-devouring years! How Rome her own sad Sepulchre appears, With nodding arches, broken temples spread ( The very Tombs now vanish'd like their dead ! n. Pope—Moral Essays. Ep. to Addition.
1 am in Rome ! Oft as the morning ray Visits these eyes, waking at once I cry, Whence this excess of joy ? What has befallen
And from within a thrilling voice replies,
Thou art in Rome! A thousand busy thoughts
Rush on my mind, a thousand images ;
And I spring up as girt to run a race!
o. Sam'l Rookks—Rome.
In Venice, Tasso's echoes are no more,
And silent rows the songless gondolier;
Her palaces are crumbling to the shore, And music meets not always now the ear, p. Bybon—Childe Harold. Canto IV.
I stood in Venice, on the Bridge of Sighs;
A palace and a prison on each hand ; I saw from out the wave her structure rise As from the stroke of the enchanter's wand: A thousand years their cloudy wings expand Around me, and a dying Glory smiles
O'er the far times, when many a subject land Look'd to the wingM Lion's marble piles, Where Venice sate|in state, throned on her
hundred isles, o. Byron— Childe Harold. Canto IV.
St. 1.
Venice once was dear,
The pleasant place of all festivity,
The revel of the earth, the masque of Italy.
fc. Byron— Childe Harold. Canto IV.
St. 3.
White swan of cities, slumbering in thy nest 80 wonderfully built among the reeds Of the lagoon, that fences thee and feeds,
As sayeth thy old historian and thy guest!
c. Longfellow— Venire.
The sylphs and ondines
And the sea-kings and queens Long ago, long ago, on the waves built a city,
As lovely as seems
To some bard in his dreams, The soul of his latest love-ditty.
d. Owen Meredith— Venice.
For cleanness of body was ever esteemed to proceed from a due reverence to God, to society, and to ourselves.
e. Bacon—Advancement of Learning.
Bk. n.
If dirt was trumps, what hands you would hold! /. Charles Lamb—Lamb's Suppers.
Vol. II. Last Chapter.
I'll purge and leave sack and live cleanly. g. Henry IV. Pt. 1. ActV. Sc. 4.
L. 168. Then bless thy secret growth, nor catch
At noise, but thrive unseen and dumb; Keep clean, be as fruit, earn life, and watch, Till the white-winged reapers come. A. Henry Vaughan—The Seed Growing
Certainly this is a duty, not a sin. "Cleanliness is indeed next to godliness." t. John Wesley—Sermon XCII.
On Dress.
I saw two clouds at morning
Tinged by the rising sun,
And in the dawn they floated on
And mingled into one.
}. John G. C. Braikard—/ Saw Two
Clouds at Morning.
O, it is pleasant, with a heart at ease,
Just after sunset, or by moonlight skies,
To make the shifting clouds be what you
Or let the easily persuaded eyes
Own each quaint likeness issuing from the
Of a friend's fancy.
*. Coleridge—Fancy in Nubibus.
The sky is filled with rolling, fleecy clouds, whose flat receding bases seem to float upon a transparent amber sea.
/. W. H. Gibson—Pastoral Days.
Die down, O dismal day ! * *
And come, blue deeps! magnificently strewn
With colored clouds—large, light, and fugi-
By upper winds through pompous motions
blown. m. David Gray—In the Shadows. St. 11.
The cloudlets are lazily sailing O'er the blue Atlantic sea. n. Heine—Early Poems. Evening Songs.
No. 4.
The clouds,—the only birds that never sleep. o. Victor Hugo—The Vanished City.
By unseen hands uplifted in the light
Of sunset, yonder solitary cloud
Floats, with its white apparel blown abroad,
And wafted up to heaven.
p. Longfellow—Michael Angela.
Pt. n. 2.
See yonder little cloud, that, borne aloft
So tenderly by the wind, floats fast away
Over the snowy peaks!
q. Longfellow—Chratia. The Golden
Legend. Pt. V. L. 145.
The low'ring element Scowls o'er the darken'd landscape r. Milton—Paradise Lost. Bk. II.
L. 490.
There does a sable cloud Turn forth her silver lining on the night, And casts a gleam over this tufted grove. ». Milton—Comus. L. 223.
If woolly fleeces spread the heavenly way No rain, be sure, disturbs the summer's day. t. Old Weather Rhyme.
When clouds appear like rocks and towers,
The earth's refreshed by frequent showers.
u. Old Weather Rhyme.
Clouds on clouds, in volumes driven,
Curtain round the vault of heaven.
v. Thomas Love Peacock—Rhododaphne.
Canto V. L. 257.
Choose a firm cloud before it fall, and in it Catch, ere she change, the Cynthia of this minute.
a. Pope—Moral Essays. Epistle 2. L. 19.
Clouds on the western side Grow gray and grayer, hiding the warm sun.
b. Christina G. Rossetti—Twilight Calm.
We often praise the evening clouds,
And tints so gay and bold,
But seldom think upon our God,
Who tinged these clouds with gold.
c. Scott—The Setting Sun.
Yon towers, whose wanton tops do buss the
rf. Troilus and Cressida. Act IV. Sc. 5.
L. 220.
I bring fresh showers for the thirsting flowers,
From the seas and the streams;
I bear light shade for the leaves when laid
In their noonday dreams.
From my wings are shaken the dews that waken
The sweet buds every one, When rocked to rest on their mother's breast,
As she dances about the sun. I wield the flail of the lashing hail,
And whiten the green plains under, And then again I dissolve it in rain.
And laugh as I pass in thunder. e. Shelley—The Cloud.
Bathed in the tenderest purple of distance,
Tinted and shadowed by pencils of air,
Thy battlements hang o'er the slopes and the
Seats of the gods in the limitless ether,
Looming sublimely aloft and afar.
/. Bayard Tayloe—Kilima.ndja.ro.
Yonder cloud
That rises upward always higher,
And onward drags a laboring breast,
And topples round the dreary west,
A looming bastion fringed with fire.
g. Tennyson—In iWemoriam. Pt. XV.
A cloud lay cradled near the setting sun;
A gleam of crimson tinged its braided snow;
Tranquil its spirit seemed and floated slow ;
Even in its very motion there was rest;
While every breath of eve that chanced to
Wafted the traveller to the beauteous west.
A. John Wilson—Isle of Palms and other
Potmt. The Evening Cloud.
The clouds that gather round the setting sun
Do take a sober coloring from an eye
That hath kept watch o'er man's mortality.
». WORDSWORTH—Oilr. Intimations of
Immortality. St. 11.
They have most satisfaction in themselves, and consequently the sweetest relish of their creature comforts.
j. Mathew Henry—Commentaries.
From out the throng and stress of lies.
From out the painful noise of sighs,
One voice of comfort seems to rise :
" It is the meaner part that dies."
k. Wm. Morris—Comfort.
And He that doth the ravens feed,
Yea, providently caters for the sparrow,
Be comfort to my age!
I. As You Like It. Act II. Sc. 3. L. 43.
Can counsel and speak comfort to that grief Which they themselves not feel. m. Much Ado About Nothing. Act V.
Sc. 1. L. 21.
That comfort comes too late;
'Tis like a pardon after execution;
That gentle physic, given in time, had cur'd
But now I am past all comforts here, but Prayers. n. Henry VIII. Act IV. Sc. 2. L. 119.
His ancient, trusty, drouthy crony ;
Tarn lo'ed him like a vera brither—
They had been fou for weeks thegither!
o. Burns—Tarn o' Shanter.
We twa hae run about the braes,
And pu'd the gowans fine.
p. Burns—Avid Lang Syne.
Say, shall my little bark attendant sail.
Pursue the triumph, and partake the gale?
q. Pope—Essay on Man. Ep. 4. L. 385.
No man can be provident of his time that is not prudent in the choice of his company, r. Jeremy Taylor—Holy Living and
Dying. Ch. I. Sec. I.
Defining night by darkness, death by dust. s. Bailey—Festus. Sc. Water and Wood.
Tis light translateth night; 'tis inspiration Expounds experience; 'tis the west explains The east; 'tis time unfolds Eternity.
t. Bailey—Festii*. Sc. A Ruined Temptr.
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