Thursday, May 14, 2009

Quotations on Anger


Bishop Warburton is reported to have said that high birth was a thing which he never knew any one disparage except those who had it not, and he never knew any one make a boost of it who had anything else to be proud of.

a. Whatelt—Amiot. on Bacon's Essay,

Of Nobility.

Rank is a farce: if people Fools will be
A Scavenger and King's the same to me.

b. John Wolcott—(Peter Pindar).

Title Page. Peter's Prophecy.

They that on glorious ancestors enlarge, Produce their debt, instead of thieir discharge.

c. Youno—Love of Fame. Satire I.

L. 147.


Like those of angels, short and far between.

d. Blair— The Grave. L. 582.

As the moths around a taper,

As the bees around a rose, As the gnats around a vapour,

So the spirits group and close Round about a holy childhood, as if drinking its repose.

e. E. B. Browning—A Child Atleep.

But sad as angels for the good man's sin, Weep to record, and blush to give it in. /. Campbell—Pleasures of Hope. Ft. II.

L. 357.

Like angel visits, few and far between. g. Campbell—Pleasures of Hope. Pt. II.

L. 378.

Hold the fleet angel fast until he bless thee.
A. Nathaniel Cotton—To-morrow. L. 36.

When one that holds communion with the

skies Has fill'd his urn where these pure waters


And once more mingles with us meaner things, 'Tis e'en as if an angel shook his wings. t. Cowper—Charity. L. 439.

In merest prudence men should teach

**** That science ranks as monstrous things Two pairs of upper limbs; so wings— E'en Angel's wings!—are fictions. /. Austin Dobson—A Fairy Tale.

Let old Timotheus yield the prize

Or both divide the crown ; He rais'd a mortal to the skies

She drew an angel down.

*. Dryden—Alexander's Feait. Last St.

Unbless'd thy hand !—if in this low disguise

Wander, perhaps, some inmate of the skies.

1. Homer— Odyssey. Bk. 17. L. 570.

Pope's trans.

(), though oft depressed and lonely,

All my fears are laid aside, If I but remember only

Such as these have lived and died !

m. Longfellow—Footsteps of Angelf.

St. 10.

But all God's angels come to us disguised :
Sorrow and sickness, poverty and death,
One after other lift their frowning masks,
And we behold the Seraph's face beneath,
All radiant with the glory and the calm
Of having looked upon the front of God.
71. Lowell—On the Death of a Friend's

Child. L. 21.

In this dim world of clouding cares,
We rarely know, till 'wildered eyes
See white wings lessening up the skies,

The Angels with us unawares.
o. Gerald Massey—The Ballad of Babe


As far as angel's ken.
p. Milton—Paradise Lost. Bk. I. L. 59.

For God will deign
To visit oft the dwellings of just men
Delighted, and with frequent intercourse
Thither will send his winged messengers
On errands of supernal grace.
7. Milton—Paradise Lost. Bk. VII.

L. 509.

How sweetly did they float upon the wings
Of silence through the empty-vaulted night.
At every fall smoothing the raven down
Of darkness till it smiled !
r. Milton—Coma*. L. 249.

The helmed Cherubim,
And sworded Seraphim,
Are seen in glittering ranks with wings dis-

play'd. ». Milton—Hymn on the Nativity.

L. 112.

Then too when angel voices sung
The mercy of their God, and strung
Their harps to hail, with welcome sweet.
That moment watched for by all eyes.
t. Moore—Loves of the Angels. Third

Angel's Story.

A guardian angel o'er his life presiding, Doubling his pleasures, and his cares dividing. u. Sam'l Rookrs—Human Life. L. 353.

And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest I r. Hamlet. Act V. Sc. 2. L. 371.

Angels are bright still, though the brightest

fell. w. Macbeth. Act IV. Sc. 3. L. 22. ANGELS.



How oft do they their silver bowers leave

To come to succour us that succour want!

a. Spexser—Faerie Queene. Bk. II.

Canto VIII. St 2.

Around our pillows golden ladders rise.
And up and down the skies,
With winged sandals shod.
The angels come, and go, the Messengers of


Nor, though they fade from us, do they depart—

It is the childly heart:
We walk as heretofore,
Adown their shining ranks, but see them

6. R. H. Stoddard—Hymn to the

Beautiful. St. 8.

Sweet souls around us watch us still,

Press nearer to our side;
Into our thoughts, into our prayers.

With gentle helpings glide.

e. Harriet Beecher Stowe— The Other


I have no angels left

Now, Sweet, to pray to :
Where you have made your shrine

They are away to.
They have struck Heaven's tent,

And gone to cover you:
Whereso you keep your state

Heaven is pitched over you.

d. Fhahcis Thompson—A Carrier Sony.

St. 4.


I was angry with my friend :

I told my wrath, my wrath did end.

I was angry with my foe;

1 told it not, my wrath did grow.

e. Wm. Blake— Christian Forbearance.

Nursing her wrath to keep it warm.
/. Burns—Tarn o' Shanter. L. 12.

Alas! they had been friends in youth ;
But whispering tongues can poison truth,
And constancy lives in realms above ;
And life is thorny, and youth is vain;
And to be wroth with one we love
Doth work like madness in the brain.
g. Coleridge—Chriitabel. Pt. II.

FiU'd with fury, rapt, inspired.
A. William Collins— The Possum.

L. 10.

Beware the fury of a patient man.
i. Dryden—Absalom and Achitophel.

Pt. I. L. 1002.

A man deep-wounded may feel too much pain To feel much anger.

j. George Eliot—Spanish Gypsy. Bk. I.

Anger seeks its prey,— Something to tear with sharp-edged tooth

and claw,

Likes not to go off hungry, leaving Love To feast on milk and honeycomb at will. k. George Eliot—Spanish Gypsy. Bk. I.

Anger is one of the sinews of the soul.

1. Fuller— The Holy and Profane Stales.


Anger wishes that all mankind had only one neck; love, that it had only one heart : grief, two tear-glands; and pride, two bent knees. m. Richter— Flower, Fruit and Thorn

Pieeet. Ch. VI.

No pale gradations quench his ray,
No twilight dews his wrath allay.
«. Scott—Rokeby. Canto VI. St. 21.

Anger is like

A full-hot horse ; who being allowed his way,
Self-mettle tires him.
o. Henry VIII. Act I. 8c. 1. L. 132.

Anger's my meat; I sup upon myself,
And so shall starve with feeding.
p. Coriolanus. Act IV. Sc. 2. L. 50.

Being once chard, he cannot
Be rein'd again to temperance; then he speaks
What's in his heart.
q. Coriolanus. Act HI. Sc. 3. L. 27.

Come not within the measure of my wrath. r. Two Gentlemen of Verona. Act V. Sc. 4. L. 127.

If I had a thunderbolt in mine eye,
I can tell who should down.
t. As You Like It. Act I. Sc. 2. L. 226.

It engenders choler, planteth anger;
And better 'twere that both of us did fast,
Since, of ourselves, ourselves are choleric,
Than feed it with such over-roasted flesh.
t. Taming of the Shrew. Act IV. Sc. 1.

L. 175.

Never anger made good guard for itself. u. Antony and Cleopatra. Act IV. Sc. 1.


Touch me with noble anger!
A nd let not women's weapons, water drops,
Stain my man's cheeks.
v. King Lear. Act II. Sc. 4. L. 279.

What, drunk with choler?

Henry IV. Pt. I. Act I.

Sc. 3.

L. 129.



What sudden anger's this? How have I

reap'd it?

He parted frowning from me, as if ruin Leap'd from his eyes: So looks the chafed

lion Upon the daring huntsman that has gall'd


Then makes him nothing. a. Henry VIII. Act III. Sc. 2. L. 204.

You are yoked with a lamb, That carries anger as the flint bears fire; Who, much enforced, shows a hasty spark, And straight is cold again. 6. Julius Caaar. Act IV. Sc. 3. L. 109.

Not die here in a rage, like a poisoned rat in a hole.

c. Swift—Letter to Bolingbroke, March 21,


Senseless, and deformed, Convulsive Anger storms at large; or pale, And silent, settles into fell revenge.

d. Thomson— The Seasons. Spring.

L. 28.


A rod twelve feet long and a ring of wire,
A winder and barrel, will help thy desire
In killing a Pike; but the forked stick,
With a slit and a bladder,—and that other

fine trick, Which our artists call snap, with a goose or a


Will kill two for one, if you have any luck ;
The gentry of Shropshire do merrily smile,
To see a goose and a belt the fish to beguile;
When a Pike suns himselfe and a-frogging

doth go,

The two-inched hook is better, I know,
Than the ord'nary snaring: but still I must

cry. When the Pike is at home, minde the cookery.

e. Barker—The Art of Angling (Reprint

of 1820 of the 1657 edition).

For angling-rod he took a sturdy oak ;
For line, a cable that in storm ne'er broke;
His hook was such as heads the end of pole
To pluck down house ere fire consumes it


This hook was bated with a dragon's tail.—

And then on rock he stood to bob for whale.

/. Sir William Davknant—Britannia

Triumphant. P. 15.

To fish in troubled waters.

g. Mathew Henry—Commentaries.

Psalm LX.

In genial spring, beneath the quivering shade,
Where cooling vapors breathe along the meud,
The patient fisher takes his silent stand,
Intent, his angle trembling in his hand ;
With looks unmov'd, he hopes the scaly breed,
Aud eyes the dancing cork, and bending reed.
h. Pope— Windsor Forest. L. 135.

Give me mine angle, we'll to the river; there, My music playing far off, I will betray Tawny-finn'd fishes; my bended hook shall

pierce Their slimy jaws.

t. Antony and Cleopatra. Act II. 8c. 5.

L. 10.

The pleasant'st angling is to see the fish
Cut with her golden oars the silver stream,
And greedily devour the treacherous bait.
j. Much Ado About Nothing. Act III.

Sc. 1. L. 26.

Shrimps and the delicate periwinkle
Such are the sea-fruits lasses love:

Ho! to your nets till the blue stars twinkle,
And the shutterless cottages gleam above!
k. Bayard Taylor—The Shrimp-Qatherers
(Parody of Jean Ingelow).

But should you lure
From his dark haunt, beneath the tangled


Of pendent trees, the Monarch of the brook, Behoves you then to ply your finest art. /. Thomson—The Seasons. Spring.

L. 420.

And upon all that are lovers of virtue; and dare trust in his providence; and be quiet; and go a-angling.

m. Izaak Walton—The Complete Angler. Pi. I. Ch. XXI.

An excellent angler, and now with God. n. Izaak Walton—The Complete Angler. ft. 1. Ch. IV.

Angling is somewhat like Poetry, men are to be born so.

o. Izaak Walton—The Complete Angler.

Pt. I. Ch. I.

Angling may be said to be so like the mathematics that it can never be fully learnt. p. Izaak Walton—The Complete Angler. Author's Preface.

As no man is born an artist, so no man is born an angler.

q. Izaak Walton— Tlte Complete Angler. Author's Preface.

Doubt not but angling will prove to be so pleasant, that it will prove to be, like virtue, a reward to itself.

T. Izaak Walton—The Complete Angler.

Pt. I. Ch. I.

I am, Sir, a brother of the angle. s. Izaak Walton—Tlte Complete Angler. Pt. I. Ch. I. ANGLING.



I shall stay him no longer than to wish * * * that if he be an honest angler, the east wind may never blow when he goes a fishing.

a. Izaak Walton—The Complete Angler.

The Author's Preface.

It [angling] deserves commendations; * * it is an art worthy the knowledge and practice of a wise man.

b. Izaak Walton—The Complete Angler.

Pt. I. Ch. 1.

Of recreation there is none
So free as fishing is, alone;
All other pastimes do not less
Than mind and body, both possess:

My hand alone my work can do;

So I can fish and study too.

c. Izaak Walton—The Complete Angler.

The Angler's Song.

O! the gallant fisher's life,

It is the best of any :
"Tis full of pleasure, void of strife,
And 'tis beloved by many.

Other joys

Are but toys;

Only this,

Lawful is;

For our skill

Breeds no ill.
But content and pleasure.

d. Izaak Walton— The Complete Angler.

Ch. XVI.

The first men that our Saviour dear
Did choose to wait upon Him here,
Blest fishers were; and fish the last
Food was, that He on earth did taste:
I therefore strive to follow those,
Whom He to follow Him hath chose.
«. Izaak Walton—The Complete Angler.
The Angler's Song.

Thus use your frog : * * * put your hook, I mean the arming wire, through his mouth, and out at his gills, and then with a fine needle and silk sow the upper part of his leg with only one stitch to the arming wire of your hook, or tie the frog's leg above the upper joint to the armed wire; and in so doing use him as though you loved him.

/. Izaak Walton—The Complete Angler. Pt. I. Ch. VIM.

We may say of angling as Dr. Boteler said of strawberries : " Doubtless God could have made a better berry, but doubtless God never did;" and so, (if I might be judge,) God never did make a more calm, quiet, innocent recreation than angling.

g. Izaak Walton—The Complete Angler. Pt. I. Ch. V.


John Trott was desired by two witty peers
To tell them the reason why asses had ears.
"An't please you," quoth John, "I'm not

given to letters; Nor dare I pretend to know more than my

betters: Howe'er, from this time I shall ne'er see your

graces, As I hope to be saved! without thinking on

h. Goldsmith—The Clown's Reply.


The fur that warms a monarch, warm'd a bear. i. Pope—Essay on Man. Ep. HI. L. 44.


Lauk! what a monstrous tail our cat has got!

j. Henrycakey—The Dragon of Wantley.

Act II. Sc. 1.

Mrs. Crupp had indignantly assured him that there wasn't room to swing a cat there; but as Mr. Dick justly observed to me, sitting down on the foot of the bed, nursing his leg, " You know, Trotwood, I don't want to swing a cat. I never do swing a cat. Therefore what does that signify to me!"

k. Dickens— David Copperfield. Vol. IT.

Ch. VI.

Confound the cats! All cats—alway—
Cats of all colours, black, white, grey;
By night a nuisance and by day—

Confound the cats 1

1. Oblando Thob. Dobbin—A Dithyramb

on Cut*.

If 'twere not for my cat and dog,
I think I could not live.
m. Ebenezer Elliott—Poor Andrew.

St. 1.

It has been the providence of nature to give this creature nine lives instead of one. n. Pilpat—Fable III.


A cow is a very good animal in the field ; but we turn her out of a garden. o. Sam'l Johnson—BoswelVs Life of

Johnson, 1772.


His faithful dog salutes the smiling guest. p. Campbell—Pleasures of Hope.

Pt. I. L. 86.

And in that town a dog was found,

As many dogs there be,
Both mongrel, puppy, whelp and hound,

And curs of low degree.

q. Goldsmith—Elegy on the Death, of a

Had Dog. 20



The man recover'd of the bite,
The dog it was that died.

a. Goldsmith—Elegy on the Death of a

Mad Dog.

But thinks, admitted to that equal sky,
His faithful dog shall bear him company.

b. FoPE—Estay on Man. Ep. I. L. 111.

I am his Highness' dog at Kew ;
Pray tell me, sir, whose dog are you ?

c. Pope—Epigrams. On the Collar of a Dog.

I have a dog of Blenheim birth,
With fine long ears and full of mirth ;
And sometimes, running o'er the plain,

He tumbles on his nose:
But quickly jumping up again,

Like lightning on he goes!

d. Buskin—My Dog Dash.

The little dogs and all,

Tray, Blanche, and Sweetheart, see, they bark at me.

e. King Lear. Act HI. Sc. 6. L. 65.

Thou hast seen a farmer's dog bark at a beggar? /. King Lear. Act IV. Sc. 6. L. 159.

We are two travellers, Roger and I.
Roger's my dog—come here, you scamp!
Jump for the gentleman—mind your eye!
Over the table,—look out for the lamp!
The rogue is growing a little old ;
Five years we've tramped through wind and


And slept out-doors when nights were cold, And ate and drank and starved together. g. John T. Tkowbkilmje—The Vagabonds.


Janet I Donkeys!

h. Dickens—David Copperfield. Vol. I.



Th' unwieldy elephant, To make them mirth, us'd all his might, and

wreathed His lithe proboscis.

»'. Milton—Paradise Lost. Bk. IV.

L. 345.

The elephant hath jointa, but none for courtesy: his legs are legs for necessity, not for flexure. j. Troilus and Cressida. Act II. Sc. 3.

L. 97.

The gazelles so gentle and clever
Skip lightly in frolicsome mood.
4. Heine—Book of Songs, Lyrical.

Interlude No. 9.

1 never nurs'd a dear gazelle,
To glad me with its soft black eye,

But when it came to know me well
And love me, it was sure to die.
I. Moobe—The Fire Worshippers.


Then I cast loose my buff coat, each halter let

fall, Shook off both my jack-boots, let go belt aud


Stood up in the stirrup, leaned, patted his ear, Called my Roland his pet name, my horse

without peer; Clapped my hands, laughed and sang, any

noise bad or good, 'Til at length into Aix Roland galloped and


To. Robebt Browniho—How they Brought the Newt from Ghent.

Gamaun is a dainty steed,
Strong, black, and of a noble breed.
Full of fire, and full of bone,
With all his line of fathers known;
Fine his nose, his nostrils thin.
But blown abroad by the pride within;
His mane is like a river flowing,
And his eyes like embers glowing
In the darkness of the night,
And his pace as swift as light,
n. Barry Cornwall—The Blood Hone.

All the ten-to-oners were in the rear, and a

dark horse, which had never been thought of,

and which the careless St. James' had never

even observed in the list, rushed past the

grand stand in sweeping triumph.

o. Benj. Dibbaeli (Earl Beaconsfield)—

The Young Dnke.

Bk. II. Ch. V.

The courser paw'd the ground with restless

feet, And snorting foam'd, and champ'd the golden

bit. p. Dryden—Palamon and Arrite.

Pt. III. L. 1733.

Morgan!—She ain't nothing else, and I've got

the papers to prove it. Sired by Chippewa Chief, and twelve hundred

dollars won't buy her. Briggs of Turlumne owned her. Did you

know Briggs of Turlumne?— Busted hisself in White Pine and blew out his

brains down in Frisco? q. Bret Harte- Chiguita.

I saw them go ; one horse was blind.
The tails of both hung down behind,
Their shoes were on their feet.
r. Wordsworth—See H. and J. Smith's
Rejected Addresses. The Baby's

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