In charity to all mankind, bearing no malice or ill-will to any human being, and even compassionating those who hold in bondage their fellow-men, not knowing what they do.
a. John Quincy Adams—Letter to
A. Branson. July 30, 1838.
Charity is a virtue of the heart, and not of the hands.
b. Addison—The Guardian. No. 166.
Oifts and alms are the expressions, not the essence, of this virtue.
c. Addison—The Guardian. No. 168.
The desire of power in excess caused the angels to fall; the desire of knowledge in excess caused man to fall; but in charity there is no excess, neither can angel or man come in danger by it.
d. Bacon—Essay. On Goodness.
No sound ought to be heard in the church but the healing voice of Christian charity.
e. Burke—Reflections on the Revolution in
France. 1790.
True Charity, a plant divinely nurs'd. /. Cowpeh— Charity. L. 573.
No farther seek his merits to disclose,
Or draw his frailties from their dread abode (There they alike in trembling hope repose),
The bosom of his Father and his God.
g. Gray—Elegy in a Country Churchyard.
Alas! for the rarity
Of Christian charity
Under the sun.
h. Hood—The Bridge of Sighs.
Meek and lowly, pure and holy,
Chief among the " blessed three."
t. Charles Jefferys—Charity.
In silence, * * *
Steals on sofHianded Charity,
Tempering her gifts, that seem so free,
By time and place,
Till not a woe the bleak world see,
But finds her grace.
j. Keblk— The Christian Year. The
Sunday After Ascension Day. St. 6.
He is truly great who hath a great charity.
k. Thomas X Kkmpis—Imitation of Christ.
Bk. I. Ch. III. (Trans, by Uibdin).
Act a charity sometimes.
/. Charles Lamb—Complaint of the
Decay of Beggars in the Metropolis.
Shut not thy purse-strings always against painted distress. m. Charles Lamb—Complaint of the
Decay of Beggars in the Metropolis.
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right.
n. Abraham Lincoln—Second Inaugural Address, March 4th, 1865.
A beggar through the world am I,—
From place to place I wander by.
Fill up my pilgrim's scrip for me,
For Christ's sweet sake and charity.
o. Lowell—The Beggar. St. 1.
0 chime of sweet Saint Charity,
Peal soon that Easter morn
When Christ for all shall risen be,
And in all hearts new-born 1
That Pentecost when utterance clear
To all men shall be given,
When all shall say My Brother here,
And hear My Son in heaven!
p. Lowell—Godminster Chimes. St. 7.
To pity distress is but human ; to relieve il is Godlike.
q. Horace Mann—Lectures on Education.
Lecture VI.
All crush'd and stone-cast in behaviour,
She stood as a marble would stand,
Then the Saviour bent down, and the Savioui
In silence wrote on in the sand.
r. Joaquin Miller—Charity.
In Faith and Hope the world will disagree, But all mankind's concern is charity.
s. Ports—Essay on Man. Ep. III. L. 307.
Soft peace she brings, wherever she arrives:
She builds our quiet, as she forms our lives :
Lays the rough paths of peevish Nature even,
And opens in each heart a little Heaven.
t. Prior—Charity.
An old man, broken with the storms of state,
Is come to lay his weary bones among ye;
Give him a little earth for charity!
«. Henry VIII. Act. IV. Sc. 2. L. 21.
A tear for pity and a hand Open as day for melting charity. v. Henry IV. Pt. II. Act. IV. Sc. 4.
L. 31.
Charity itself fulfils the law, And who can sever love from charity? 10. Love's Labour's Lost. Act IV. Sc. 3.
L. 364.
Charity, Which renders good for bad, blessings for
curses. x. Richard III. Act. I. Sc. 2. L. 68.
For this relief, much thanks: 'tis bitter cold, And I am sick at heart. y. Hamlet. Act I. Sc. 1. L. 8.
So may he rest; his faults lie gently on him ! o. Henry VIII. Act IV. Sc. 2. L. 31.
We are born to do benefits: * * * O, What a precious comfort 'tis to have so many, like brothers, commanding one another's fortunes!
b. Timon of Athens. Act. I. Sc. 2.
L. 105.
You find people ready enough to do the Samaritan, without the oil and twopence.
c. Sydney Smith—Lady Holland's
Memoir. Vol. I. P. 261.
Charity itself consists in acting justly and faithfully in whatever office, business and employment a person is engaged in.
d. Swedenborg—True Christian Reliffion.
. Par. 422.
'Tis a little thing
To give a cup of water; yet its draught
Of cool refreshment, drain'd by fever'd lips,
May give a shock of pleasure to the frame
More exquisite than when nectarean juice
Renews the life of joy in happiest hours.
e. Thos. Noon Talfouhd—Ion. Act I.
Sc. 2.
Ay, and when huntsmen wind the merry
And from its covert starts the fearful prey; Who, warm'd with youth's blood in his swelling veins,
Would, like a lifeless clod, outstretched lie, Shut up from all the fair creation offers? /. Joanna Baillie—Ethwald. Pt. I.
Act 1. Sc. 1.
Broad are these streams—my steed obeys,
Plunges, and bears me through the tide. Wide are these woods—I tread the maze
Of giant stems, nor ask a guide. I hunt till day's last glimmer dies
O'er woody vale and glassy height; And kind the voice, and glad the eyes
That welcome my return at night.
g. Bryant—The Hunter of the Prairies.
He thought at heart like courtly Chesterfield, Who, after a long chase o'er hills, dales,
bushes. And what not, though he rode beyond all
Ask'd next day, " if men ever hunted twice t " k. Byron—Don Juan. Canto XIV.
St. 35.
Archers ever Have two strings to a bow; and shall great
(Archer of archers both in men and women), Be worse provided than a common archer? t. Chapman—Busty D'Ambois. Act II.
Sc. 1.
The dusky night rides down the sky
And ushers in the morn :
The hounds all join in glorious cry,
The huntsman winds his horn ;
And a-hunting we will go. j. Henry Fielding—And a-Hunting We
Will Go.
Soon as Aurora drives away the night,
And edges eastern clouds with rosy light,
The healthy huntsman, with the cheerful
horn, Summons the dogs, and greets the dappled
morn. *. Gay.—Rural Sports. Canto II. L. 93.
Love's torments made me seek the chase;
Rifle in hand, I roam'd apace.
Down from the tree, with hollow scoff,
The raven cried : ' Head-off! head-off!'
1. Heine—Book of Songs. Youthful
Sorrows. No. 8.
Of horn and morn, and hark and bark,
And echo's answering sounds, All poets' wit hath ever writ
In dog-rel verse of hounds. m. Hood—Epping Hunt. St. 10.
It (hunting) was the labour of the savages of North America, but the amusement of the gentlemen of England.
n. Sam'l Johnson—Johnsoniana.
Proud Nimrod first the bloody chase began,
A mighty hunter, and his prey was man.
o. Pope—Windsor Forest. L. 61.
Together let us beat this ample field,
Try what the open, what the covert yield.
p. Pope—Essay on Man. Ep. I. L. 9.
Come, shall we go and kill us venison?
q. As You Like It. Act.H. 8c. 1. L.21.
There's a woman like a dew-drop,
She's so purer than the purest.
r. Robert Browning—A Blot in the
'Scutcheon. Act I. Sc. 3.
That chastity of honour which felt a stain like a wound. .
». Burke—Reflections on the Revolution in
As pure as a pearl,
And as perfect: a noble and innocent girl. t. Owen Meredith (I,ord Lytton)—
Lucile. Pt. II. Canto VI. St. 16.
So dear to Heaven is saintly chastity,
That, when a soul is found sincerely so,
A thousand liveried angels lacky her,
Driving far off each thing of sin and guilt.
«. Milton—Comun. L. 453.
"Tis chastity, my brother, chastity;
She that has that is clad in complete steel,
And, like a quiver'd nymph with arrows keen,
May trace huge forests, and unharbour'd
Infamous hills, and sandy perilous wilds; Where, through the sacred rays of chastity, No savage fierce, bandite, or mountaineer, Will dare to soil her virgin purity.
a. Milton—Comui. L. 420.
Like the stain'd web that whitens in the sun, Grow pure by being purely shone upon.
b. Moore—Lalla Rookh. The Veiled
Prophet of Khorassan.
If she seem not chaste to me,
What care I how chaste she be ?
c. Sib Walteb Raleigh—Written the
night before hit death.
As chaste as unsunn'd snow.
d. Cymbeline. Act II. Sc. 5. L. 14.
Chaste as the icicle
That's curded by the frost from purest snow And hangs on Dian's temple.
e. Coriolanus. Act V. Sc. 3. L. 66.
My chastity's the jewel of our house, Bequeathed down from many ancestors. /. AITs Well That Ends Well. Act IV.
Sc. 2. L. 46.
The very ice of chastity is in them. g. As You Like It. Act III. Sc, 4. L.18.
Whiter than new snow on a raven's back. h. Romeo and Juliet. Act III. Sc. 2.
A nice man is a man of nasty ideas.
». Swift—Thoughts on Various Subjects,
Moral and Diverting. Oct., 1706.
Then she rode forth, clothed on with chastity: The deep air listen'd round her as she rode, And all the low wind hardly breathed for fear. j. Tennyson—Godiva. L. 53.
Even from the body's purity, the mind Receives a secret sympathetic aid. k. Thomson—Season. Summer. L. 1,269.
A cheerful temper joined with innocence will make beauty attractive, knowledge delightful, and wit good-natured.
I. Addison— The Taller. No. 192.
Cheered up himself with ends of verse
And sayings of philosophers.
To. Butler—Hwlibras. Pt.4. Canto III.
L. 1,011.
Cheerful at morn he wakes from short repose,
Breathes the keen air, and carols as he goes.
n. Goldsmith— The Traveller. L. 1853.
It is good
To lengthen to the last a sunny mood. o. Lowell—Legend of Brittany. Pt. 1.
St. 35.
A merry heart goes all the day,
Your sad tires in a mile-a.
p. A Winter's Tale. Act IV. Sc. 3.
L. 134.
Had she been light, like you, Of such a merry, nimble, stirring spirit, She might ha' been a grandam ere she died; And so may you; for a light heart lives long. q. Love's Labour's Lost. Act V. Sc. 2.
L. 15.
He makes a July's day short as December,
And with his varying childness cures in me
Thoughts that would thick my blood.
r. A Winter's Tale. Act I. Sc. 2. L. 169.
Look cheerfully upon me. Here, love; thou seest how diligent I am. s. Taming of the Shrew. Act IV.
Sc. 3. L. 38.
My lovely living Boy,
My hope, my hap, my Love, my life, my joy.
t. Du Bartas—Divine Wee-kes and Workes.
Second Week, Fourth Day. Bk. II.
'Tis not a life,
'Tis but a piece of childhood thrown away. «. Beaumoht And Fletcher—Philaiter. Act V. Sc. 2. L. 15.
Do ye hear the children weeping, 0 my
Ere the sorrow comes with years? They are leaning their young heads against
their mothers,
And that cannot stop their tears.
t>. E. B. Brownino— The Cry of the
Women know
The way to rear up children (to be just);
They know a simple, merry, tender knack
Of tying sashes, fitting baby-shoes,
And stringing pretty words that make no
And kissing full sense into empty words ;
Which things are corals to cut life upon.
Although such trifles.
w. E. B. Bbownino—Aurora Leigh.
Bk. I. L. 48. CHILDHOOD.
Your father used to come home to my mother, and why may not I be a chippe of the same block out of which you two were cutte?
a. Bullkn's Old Playt. II. 60. Dick of
Diogenes struck the father when the son swore. 6. Boston—Anatomy of Melancholy.
Pt. III. Sect. II. Memb. 6.
Snbsect. 5.
[Witches] steal young children out of their cradles, ministerio diemonmn, and put deformed in their rooms, which we call changelings.
c. Bcbton—Anatomy of Melancholy.
Pt I. Sect. II. Memb. 1.
Subsect. 3.
A little curly-headed, good-for-nothing,
And mischief-making monkey from his birth.
d. Bybon—Don Juan. Canto I. St. 25.
Besides, they always smell of bread and butter.
e. Bybon—Beppo. St. 39.
Better to be driven out from among men than to be disliked of children. /. R. H. Dana— The Idle Man. Domestic
They are idols of hearts and of households;
They are angels of God in disguise ; His sunlight still sleeps in their tresses,
His glory still gleams in their eyes ; Those truants from home and from Heaven
They have made me more manly and mild ; And I know now how Jesus could liken
The kingdom of God to a child.
g. Chas. M. Dickinson—The Children.
When the lessons and tasks are all ended,
And the school for the day is dismissed, The little ones gather around me,
To bid me good-night and be kissed ;
Oh. the little white arms that encircle
My neck in their tender embrace
Oh, the smiles that are halos of heaven,
Shedding sunshine of love on my face.
h. Chas. M. Dickinson— The Children.
Childhood has no forebodings; but then, it is soothed by no memories of outlived sorrow. t. George Eliot—The Mill on the Floss. Bk. I. Ch. IX.
Teach your child to hold his tongue,
He'll learn fast enough to speak.
j. Besj. Franklin—Poor Richard
Maxima, 1734.
Alike all ages, dames of ancient days
Have led their children thro' the mirthfu!
And the gay grandsire, skill'd in gestic lore, Has frisk'd beneath the burden of threescore. k. Goldsmith— The Traveller. L. 251.
By sports like these are all their cares beguil'd.
The sports of children satisfy the child.
I. Goldsmith— The Traveller. L. 153.
Alas! regardless of their doom,
The little victims play; No sense have they of ills to come, Nor care beyond to-day. m. Gray—On a Distant Prospect of Eton
College. St. 6.
But still when the mists of doubt prevail,
And we lie becalmed by the shores of age. We hear from the misty troubled shore The voice of the children gone before. Drawing the soul to its anchorage. n. Bret Hartb—A Greyport Legend.
St. 6.
You hear that boy laughing ? You think he's
all fun; But the angels laugh, too, at the good he has
done. The children laugh loud as they troop to his
call, And the poor man that knows him laughs
loudest of all!
0. O. W. Holmes— The Soys. St. 9.
Pew sons attain the praise Of their great sires and most their sires' disgrace. p. Homer— Odyssey. Bk. II. L. 315.
Pope's trans.
Another tumble ! that's his precious nose! g. Hood—Parental Ode to My Son.
Oh, when I was a tiny boy
My days and nights were full of joy.
My mates were blithe and kind ! No wonder that I sometimes sigh And dash the tear drop from my eye
To cast a look behind!
r. Hood—A Retrospective Review.
Children, ay, forsooth, They bring their own love with them when
they come,
But if they come not there is peace and rest; The pretty lambs! and yet she cries for more: Why, the world's full of them, and so is
heaven— They are not rare.
1. Jean Inoelow—Supper at the Mill.
Oh, would I were a boy again,
When life seemed formed of sunny years, And all the heart then knew of pain
Was wept away in transient tears!
a. Mark Lemon—Oh, Would I Were a
Boy Again.
Ah I what would the world be to us
If the children were no more?
We should dread the desert behind us
Worse than the dark before.
6. Longfellow—Children. St. 4.
Perhaps there lives some dreamy boy, untaught
In schools, some graduate of the field or street,
Who shall become a master of the art,
An admiral sailing the high seas of thought
Fearless and first, and steering with his fleet
For lands not yet laid down in any chart.
c. Longfellow—Possibilities.
Who wer as lyke as one pease is to another.
d. John Lyly—Euphua. P. 215.
Who can foretell for what high cause
This darling of the gods was born ?
«. Andrew Marvell—Picture of T. C.
in a Prospect of Flowers.
Ay, these young things lie safe in our hearts
just so long As their wings are in growing; and when
these are strong
They break it, and farewell! the bird flies! /. Owen Meredith (Lord Lytton)—
Lucile. Canto VI. Pt. II. St. 29.
As children gath'ring pebbles on the shore. g. Milton—Parodist Regained. Bk. IV.
L. 330.
The childhood shows the man,
As morning shows the day.
A. Milton—Paradise Regained. Bk. IV.
L. 220.
Ah ! there are no longer any children !
i. Moliebe—Le ifalade Iinaginaire.
Act II. Sc. 11.
And when with envy Time transported
Shall think to rob us of our joys,
You'll in your girls-again be courted,
And I'll go wooing in my boys.
j. Thomas Percy— Winifreda. 1720.
Behold the child, by Nature's kindly law,
Pleas'd with a rattle, tickled with a straw.
k. Pope—Essay on Man. Ep. II. L. 275.
Pointing to such, well might Cornelia say,
When the rich casket shone in bright array,
" These are my Jewels ! " Well of such as he,
When Jesus spake, well might the language
" Suffer these little ones to come to me! " I. Sam'l Rogers—Human Life. L. 202.
And children know, Instinctive taught, the friend and foe. m. Scott—Lady of the Lake. Canto II.
St. M.
Behold, my lords. Although the print be little, the whole
And copy of the father, eye, nose, lip,
The trick of's frown, his forehead, nay, the
valley, The pretty dimples of his chin and cheek; his
smiles; The very mould and frame of hand, nail,
finger. n. Winter's Tale. Act II. Sc. 3. L. 98.
0 lord! my boy, my Arthur, my fair son ! My life, my joy, my food, my all the world ! My widow-comfort, and my sorrow's cure!
o. King John. Act III. Sc. 4. L. 103.
Oh, 'tis a parlous boy;
Bold, quick, ingenious, forward, capable;
He's all the mother's from the top to toe.
p. Richard III. Act III. Sc. 1. L. 154.
We have no such daughter, nor shall ever see
That face of hers again. Therefore begone
Without our grace, our love, our benizon.
q. King Lear. Act I. Sc. 1. L. 266.
Your children were vexation to your youth,
But mine shall be a comfort to your age.
r. Richard III. Act IV. Sc. 4. L. 306.
A truthful page is childhood's lovely face, Whereon sweet Innocence has record
made,— An outward semblance of the young heart's.
Where truth, and love, and trust are all portrayed. ». Shillaber—On a Picture of Lillie.
In winter I get up at night
And dress by yellow candle-light.
In summer, quite the other way,
1 have to go to bed by day.
t. Robert Loots Stevenson—A Child's
Garden of Verses. Bed in Summer.
While here at home, in shining day,
We round the sunny garden play,
Each little Indian sleepy-head
Is being kissed and put to bed.
u. Robert Lows Stevenson—A Child's
Garden of Verses. The Sun's Travel*.
Children are the keys of Paradise;
They alone are good and wise,
Because their thoughts, their very lives, are
prayer, v. R. H. Stoddard— The Children's
Prayer. L. 43.
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