Thursday, May 14, 2009

Quotations on Candor



Thou hastenest down between the hills to

meet me at the road, The secret scarcely liaping of thy beautiful

abode Among the pinea and mosses of yonder

shadowy height, Where thou dost sparkle into song, and till

the woods with light. a. Lucy Labcoh—Friend Brook. St. 1.

See, how the stream has overflowed
Its banks, and o'er the meadow road
Is spreading far and wide!
6. Longfellow—Christus. The Golden

Legend. Pt. III. Sc. VII. The

The music of the brook silenced all con-
c. Longfellow—Kavanagh. Ch. XXI.

I wandered by the brook-side,

I wandered by the mill;
I could not hear the brook flow,

The noisy wheel was still.

d. Richard Monckton Mn.sK.-i (Lord

Houghton)—The Brookside.

I chatter, chatter, as I flow

To join the brimming river,
For men may come and men may go,

But I go on for ever.

e. Tennyson—The Brook.

Brook ! whose society the poet seeks,
Intent his wasted spirits to renew ;
And whom the curious painter doth pursue
Through rocky passes, among flowery creeks,
And tracks thee dancing down thy water-

/. Wordsworth—Brook ! Whose Society

the Poet Seeks.

BUTCHERING (See Occupations).


CABINET MAKING (See Occupations).


How calm, how beautiful comes on
The stilly hour, when storms are gone !
When warring winds have died away,
And clouds, beneath the glancing ray,
Melt off, and leave the land and sea
Sleeping in bright tranquillity!
g. Moore—Lalla Rookh. Fire

Worshippers. St. 52.

'Tis Noon:—a calm, unbroken sleep
Is on the blue waves of the deep;
A soft haze, like a fairy dream,
Is floating over wood and stream;
And many a broad magnolia flower,
Within its shadowy woodland bower,
Is gleaming like a lovely star.
h. Geo. D. Prentice—To an Absent Wife.

St. 2.

The noonday quiet holds the hill, t. Tennyson—(Enone. L. 2.

Pure was the temperate Air, an even Calm Perpetual reign'd, save what the Zephyrs


Breath'd o'er the blue expanse. j. Thomson—Seasons. Spring. L. 323.


Calumny is only the noise of madmen. k. Diogenes.

A nickname a man may chance to wear out; but a system of calumny, pursued by a faction, may descend even to posterity. This principle has taken full effect on this state favorite. /. Isaac Disraeli—Amenities of

Literature. The First Jesuits in

There are calumnies against which even innocence loses courage. m. Napoleon I.

Be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny. n. Hamlet. Act II. Sc. 1. L. 138.

Calumny will sear Virtue itself;—these shrugs, these hums, and

ha's. o. Winter's Tale. Act II. Sc. 1. L. 73.

No might nor greatness in mortality

Can censure 'scape; back-wounding calumny

The whitest virtue strikes. What king so


Can tic the gall up in the slanderous tongue ? p. Measure for Measure. Act III.

Sc. 2. L. 146.

Virtue itself 'scapes not calumnious strokes : g. Hamlet. Act I. Sc. 3. L. 38.


Candor is the seal of a noble mind, the or- namont and pride of man, the sweetest charm of woman, the scorn of rascals, and the rarest virtue of sociability.

r. Bkntzel-stkrna£).




As frank as rain On cherry blossoms. a. E. B. Browning—Aurora Leigh.

Bk. III. L. 957.

Give me the avowed, the erect ,the manly foe; Bold I can meet—perhaps may turn his blow ; But of all plagues, good Heaven, thy wrath

can send, Save, save, oh! save me from the candid

friend. 6. George Canning—New Morality.


When one is past, another care we have;
Thus woe succeeds a woe, as wave a wave.

c. Herrick—Sorrows Succeed.

Care that is entered once into the breast
Will have the whole possession ere it rest.

d. Ben Jonson— Tale of a Tub. Act. I.

So. 4.

And ever, against eating cares,
Lap me in soft Lydian airs.

e. Milton—L'Allegro. L. 135.

Begone, old Care, and I prithee begone from

me; For f faith, old Care, thee and I shall never

agree. /. Playfobd's Musical Companion.

Catch 13.

Eat not thy heart; which forbids to afflict our souls, and waste them with vexatious cares.

g. Plutarch—Morals. Of the Training

of Children.

Old Care has a mortgage on every estate,
And that's what you pay for the wealth that

you get.
h. J. G. Saxe— Gifts of the Gods.

Care is no cure, but rather a corrosive,
For things that are not to be remedied.
». Henry VI. Pt. I. Act III. 8c. 3.

L. 3.

Care keeps his watch in every old man's eye, And where care lodges, sleep will never lie; But where unbruised youth with unstuffd

brain Doth couch his limbs, there golden sleep doth

reign. /. Romeo and Juliet. Act II. Sc. 3.

L. 34.

For some must watch, while some must sleep: So runs the world away. k. Hamlet. Act III. Sc. 2. L. 284.

I am sure, care's an enemy to life.

1. Twelfth Night. Act I. Sc. 3. L. 2.

No, no, he cannot long hold out these pangs; The incessant care and labour of his mind Hath wrought the mure, that should confine

it in, So thin that life looks through and will

break out. m. Henry IV. Pt, II. Act IV.

Sc. 4. L. 117.

0 polished perturbation ! golden care! That keep'st the ports of slumber open wide To many a watchful night!

n. Henry IV. Pt. II. Act IV. Sc. 5.

L. 23.

1 could lie down like a tired child,
And weep away the life of care
Which I have borne, and yet must bear.

o. Shelley—Stanzas written in

Dejection, near Naplei.

Care to our coffin adds a nail, no doubt; And every Grin, so merry, draws one out p. John Wolcott ( Peter Pindar)—

Expostulatory Odes. Ode 15.

And care, whom not the gayest can outbrave. Pursues its feeble victim to the grave. q. Henry Kirke White—Childhood.

Pt. II. L. 17.

CARPENTRY (SeeOccupations.)


To legislate each duty, were to count
Drops of a stream that issue from one fount.
God gives, since all effects are in their cause.
For narrow prescripts universal laws.
r. Abraham Coles—The Evangel. P. 215.

To all facts there are laws. The effect has its cause, and I mount to the

cause. s. Owen Meredith (Lord Lytton)—

Lucile. Pt. II. Canto III. St. 8.

Ask you what provocation I have had?
The strong antipathy of good to bad.
t. Pope—Epilogue to Satires. Dia. 2.

L. 205.

Find out the cause of this effect.
Or rather say, the cause of this defect,
For this effect defective comes by cause.
«. Hamlet. Act II. Sc. 2. L. 101.

God befriend us, as our cause is just!
v. Henry IV. Pt. I. Act V. 8c. 1. L. 120.

Mine's not an idle cause.
w. Othello. Act I. Sc. 2. L. 96.

Your cause doth strike my heart.
x. Cymbeline. Act I. Sc. 6. L. 118.





Papa, potatoes, poultry, prunes and prism, are all very good words for the lips,—especially prunes and prism.

a. Dickens— Little Don-it. Bk. II.

Ch. V.

Ceremony was but devis'd at first
To set a gloss on faint deeds, hollow welcomes,
Recanting goodness, sorry ere 'tis shown.

6. Timon of Athens. Act I. Sc. 2. L.16.

O ceremony, show me but thy worth !

What is thy soul of adoration?

Art thou aught else but place, degree, and

form, Creating awe and fear in other men ?

c. Henry V. Act IV. Sc. 1. L.261.

To feed were best at home ; From thence the sauce to meat is ceremony; Meeting were bare without it.

d. Macbeth. Act III. Sc. 4. L. 36.

What art thou, thou idol ceremony ? What kind of god art thou, that suffer'st more Of mortal griefs than do thy worshippers?

e. Henry V. Act IV. Sc. 1. L. 257.

What infinite heart's ease Must kings neglect, that private men enjoy? And what have kings that privates have not


Save ceremony, save general ceremony?
/. Henry V. Act IV. Sc. 1. L.253.

When love begins to sicken and decay,
It useth an enforced ceremony,
There are no tricks in plain and simple faith.
g. Julius Cxsar. Act IV. Sc. 2. L. 20.


Life, that dares send
A challenge to his end,

And when itcomes, say, " Welcome, friend ! " h. Richard Ceash Aw— Wishes to his

(Supposed) Mistress. St. 29.

An I thought he had been valiant and so cnnning in fence, I'ld have seen him damned ere I'ld have challenged him.

i. Twelfth Night. Act III. Sc.4. L.311.

But thou liest in thy throat; that is not the

matter I challenge thee for. j. Twelfth Night. Act III. Sc.4. L. 172.

I never in my life

Did hear a challenge urg'd more modestly,
Unless a brother should a brother dare
To gentle exercise and proof of arms.
k. Henry IV. Pt. I. ActV. Sc.2. L. 52.

There I throw my gage, To prove it on thee to the extremest point Of mortal breathing.

1. Richard II. Act IV. Sc. 1. L. 46.

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